The Boat .
The boat shall be moored at an approved and agreed place and shall be named as directed by resolution passed at a General or Annual General Meeting.
The boat shall not be moved from the moorings unless there is a minimum crew, including a boat Captain, of 4 members on board or specific permission to vary these provisions has been obtained from the President or duly accredited Captain.
Life Membership .
The Committee may from time to time recommend to an Annual General Meeting that any member, in recognition of his services to the Club over a considerable period or for any reason deemed sufficient be elected a Life Member of the Club and fees, other than trip fees, may be waived. A resolution to that effect must be passed at such a Meeting.
A life member so elected shall have only those rights and privileges of an ordinary member as are related to the use of the boat and no other.
Waiting List.
The Club Secretary shall keep a list of prospective members waiting to join the Club and shall report to the Club as to the order of their priority.
Boat Captains.
The Boat Captain in command on a particular trip shall at all times be in charge of the Club boat.
Fishing Trips .
- The return and departure of the boat with regard to any trip shall be advised by the Boat Captain to those members who have booked for the trip.
- At the sole discretion of the Boat Captain 10 minutes grace may be given prior to leaving in the case of a member and/or his guest not arriving on time.
- The Boat Captain shall keep a record of those attending any trip, collect the fees and forward such records to the Treasurer no later than 14 days after the date of the trip.
- The Treasurer, in conjunction with the Secretary, shall keep and maintain trip records and advise members of their trip attendance from time to time as deemed necessary by the Committee.
- The Boat Captain shall be responsible for refuelling, as the need arises following a trip, and shall immediately report any mechanical or other problems to the Committee.
- The Boat Captain shall ensure on any trip, that fish are cleaned outboard and that , at all times the Boat is left clean, properly secured and that any breakages or other damage is reported forthwith to the Committee.
- Each member shall bear the cost of trips booked or taken. Any money owing on these trips shall be paid on or before 30 th. June of the year in which they should have been taken and such debts shall if necessary be recoverable at law.
- Should the Committee, at the AGM, deem that extenuating circumstances exist arrangements can be made for late payment over a period of not more than two months.
Use of Boat.
- No person other than a financial member shall board the Club Boat for the purpose of a fishing trip. At all times, full members shall be given booking preference over one day memberships. Should a financial member book for a trip and either fail to attend or not cancel such a booking at least one full day prior to that trip, the member shall be responsible to pay the fees for that trip as though he had attended.
- Any full member or one day member who shall board the Club Boat shall do so at their own risk and shall not be entitled to make any claim against the Club, or its members in any way in respect of injury, damage or loss sustained as the result of their use of the Boat.
- Each member shall at all times comply with sea-going safety regulations and the Boat Captain shall ensure that sufficient life jackets are aboard and advise all persons on board of their location.
Hand Held GPS.
The use of hand held GPS by any member during a fishing trip is prohibited.
Download the Club Rules (Word Format)
Download the Club Constitution (Word Format)
The rules and regulations may be amended or repealed by majority vote of members attending a General Meeting.